What is programming language? | Types of Programming Language

What is programming language? | Types of Programming Language
What is programming language? | Types of Programming Language

What is a programming language?

Programming language is a computer language used by programmers (developers) to communicate with a computer. We can use any language (C, C ++, Java, Python) to perform a specific task. Is a set of instructions written in. The meaning of programming language means a language that lets the computer know what performs the task. It is an AI language that the computer can understand. Programming language is actually a programmer and a medium of communication between the computer. All Softwares, Apps, Websites, Games we see on our computer screen are all made from programming language itself, so if you learn Programming Languages ​​then you can easily learn to make Softwares because the programming language is mainly desktop apps, The website is used to develop mobile applications. The programming language works on Syntax, just as we humans run on Grammar (Grammar), just as the programming language works on specific Syntax. Although there are many programming languages ​​available, Java, Python, C, C ++, PHP, SWIFT, KOTLIN, C #, R are some of the famous Programming Languages.
The programming language is divided into two parts
  1. Low Level Programming Language
  2. High Level Programming Language

1.Low Level Programming Language

This programming language is easily accessed by the computer and programs written in this language are executed directly in the computer, meaning that it does not require any converter or translator. It is also called machine language. In this language, programs are written in Binary language, meaning the program is done in the language of 0, 1. So this language is called Low Level Language.

Two types of low level language -

1.Machine Language - 

All the instructions are written in this language are executed directly by the computer without any converter or translator. This is because the computer only understands the machine language i.e. binary language which is in the format of 0 and 1. Therefore this language is called binary language.

For example, if you write 10, its binary number will be 1010 and if you write a, it will be 01100001 00100000. When we type whatever in the computer, it is first converted to binary, but if we do it in binary type then the computer will understand without any translator but this language is very difficult for humans.

2.Assembly Language - 

In this instead of 0, 1 some mnemonic code is used, this language is called improve version of binary language because this language is easy to understand. Assembly uses English words to do programming that the computer faces difficulty understanding. Therefore, to convert it to a machine language, a converter or translator is needed, which is called Assembler.

Benefits of low-level language

  1. Low level language programs ​run quite fast.
  2. Low Level Languages ​​seem to have low memory
  3. Programmers can use processors and memory high quality by using Low Level Language
  4. In low level languages, ​​there is no need to translate source code into machine code so compiler and interpreter are not required.
  5. Communicate directly with hardware devices.

Disadvantages of low-level language

  1. Programs developed using low level languages ​​are machine dependent and are not even portable.
  2. In low level languages very difficult to develop and debug the programs.
  3. Errors are more likely to come in low level language.
  4. Low level language programs usually lead to poor programming productivity.

2.High Level Programming Language

High level programming language can easily understand by humans and can also create the desired program in computer because the English language is used in the language like Printf, Scanf, getch, clrscr, if, else, switch, int etc. In this, English words are used to program, but the computer only understands the language of 0, 1, so a translator or compiler is needed to convert it to 0 and 1. Translator or compiler converts the program written by developer into machine language so that the computer can work according to the instructions given. Today’s all developers use High Level Language to create every common program or software.

Example of high-level programming languages such as Python, Java, JavaScript, PHP, C #, C.

1.Procedural oriented programming language

Procedural Oriented Programming Language (POP) is derived from structured programming and is based on the procedure call concept Actions). The advantage of pop language is that it helps the developer to track the flow of their program and code written in the procedural oriented programming language. Developers can be reused pop programs in different ways in their programs. C, FORTRAN, Basic, Pascal, etc. examples of procedural oriented programming language.

2.Object-Oriented Programming language 

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language is a high level programming language based on objects (Objects) in which programs are divided into smaller parts called Objects. .Object-Oriented Programming is the commonly used concept in the world of programming, using Object-Oriented concepts like inheritance, polymorphisms, abstraction. Features of OOP, it is fast and very easy to understand. C ++, Java, Python, C #, etc. are some examples of object oriented programming.

Benefits of high-level language

  1. High-level language programmers are friendly
  2. Writing programs in high-level language are easy to debug.
  3. Easy to learn the high level language
  4. In high level programming languages easily find error and debug.
  5. This language does not depend on the machine.
  6. Anyone can easily understand and teach it.
  7. Programs in this language have fewer errors.
  8. This language is used to create software such as C, C ++, JAVA, .NET, VB.
  9. All the programs written in it can be easily modified and maintained.
  10. HLL is used in Software companies only.
  11. All program written in HLL is computer HARDWARE INDEPENDENT.
  12. All programs written in it can be executed in any computer.

 Disadvantages of high-level language

  1. High level language consume more time to translate source code into machine code.
  2. Programs written in high level language are slower as compare to programs written in low level languages.
  3. High level language programs use more memory than low level.
  4. High level language programs not able to communicate directly with hardware like low level language.
  5. Its biggest disadvantage is that all programs written in this language is converted to machine language.

Most Commonly Used Programming Languages


It is an Interpreted, High-level and General-purpose Object Oriented Programming Language that is used for many things such as data science, machine learning, data analysis, web scraping, system automation, website development and API development.

Python was released in the 1980s and was first released by Guido van Rossum in 1991. Python This is an Object Oriented programming language designed in such a way that programmers have the ability to clearly write the code in their small and large size projects and write logical code.

It is an Open Source and you can use it on all operating systems like Windows, MAC, and LINUX as Python is also a multi-Platform language.


It is interpreted programming Language Java is a class-based, object-oriented programming language and high level language that Sun Microsystems discovered in 1995. Nowadays java most popular programming language, which is also used in enterprise software, web-based content, games and mobile apps, and the Android operating system. It is Platform Independent Language. You can run the code written in any platform or os. Java is developed in such a way that you can use it on more software platforms. For example, Mac OS X and Windows.


C is a procedural programming language. It was developed by Dennis Ritchie mids of 1969 and 1973. This was mainly developed on the basis of a system programming language, for writing programs of the operating system. The main features of C language are: - having low-level access to memory, using a simple set of keywords, its clean style, these features make C language comfortable for system programs such as operating system or compiler development.

Many later languages have taken many syntax/features from C language either directly or indirectly. Like Java, PHP, JavaScript, and syntax of other languages ​​are all based on C language.

4.C ++

C ++ is a programming language, which is part of the Object Oriented Programming System. Stroustrup developed this language in 1985. It uses data abstracts, using a concept nominated "classes", among other attributes, to allow object-oriented programming.

C does not have virtual functions. C is a middle level programming language that uses the top down approach. The namespace is not available in the C language. C ++ currently has more than 35 different operators, ranging from arithmetic and bit manipulation to logical operations, comparisons, and more.

The main purpose of C ++ programming was to add object-oriented concepts to the already available C programming. Nowadays, object oriented programming is the best in programming. Programs are written in C ++ programming language can be run on operating systems such as Unix, Linux, Windows etc. Classes are created to use object oriented concepts.

Software of various types of Mobile Platforms, Satellite Connected Software, Set Top Box, etc. are also developed in "C ++" language. The "C ++" language is used to make the programming codes of the iPhone and iPad easy and reusable.


JavaScript is called JS in a programming language. JS has interpreted programming language. It is also called a dynamic computer programming language. Its program is called Script. you can apply JavaScript to different types of things in web pages it is also used in making game development and desktop applications. It uses various extension Google's Chrome extensions, Apple's Safari extensions, Adobe Acrobat and Reader, and Adobe's Creative Suite.


Structured Query Language (SQL) is a special-purpose language used to manage data in database management systems. SQL commonly used for the "Query" function, which searches informational databases. SQL was released in the 1980s by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).


PHP (Pre Hypertext Processor) is a server-side scripting language designed for dynamic websites and app development. It can be directly embedded as an HTML source document without creating any external file, which is why it is a popular programming language for web developers. PHP powers more than 200 million websites, such as WordPress, and Facebook.


Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented scripting language. Which is used to develop websites and mobile apps, Ruby programming language is very simple and easy to write. Ruby is used in Scribd, GitHub, Groupon and Shopify. Ruby is a user friendly programming language for beginners.